Monday, 25 January 2021

Fwd: MESRC Updates: Fitness-Related Workout on YouTube (Week 33)

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Ministry of Education <>
Date: Monday, January 25, 2021
Subject: MESRC Updates: Fitness-Related Workout on YouTube (Week 33)

<This email is sent in BCC. to all MOE schools and HQ colleagues>

Dear Colleagues,

As part of MOE staff well-being programme under OLive, MESRC has lined up the following fitness-related workout from YouTube to help you to keep fit and healthy during this period.  These YouTube are free and easily accessible. 

Type of Fitness-Related Workout


YouTube URL

Bowflex® Bodyweight Workout - Three-Minute Perfect Plank

Tired of doing crunches to work your core? The plank is a phenomenal exercise that gives you the option of doing something other than a crunch to work your abs. This three-minute plank workout takes advantage of how variable the plank can be while still pushing you to work hard and strengthen your core.

30min Power Yoga "Detox" 

In this Power Yoga "Detox" 30-minute practice you will move through a heavy dosage of twists to take care of the spine and massage the internal organs.

Fast Walking in 30 minutes

30 minutes of fast walking every day is so healthy!


Happy Workout!




Jason Ng

Sports & Recreation Manager, MOE Sports & Recreation Club • Tel: +65 6460 9862 • Fax: +65 6465 4530

Ministry of Education Sports & Recreation Club • 21 Evans Rd, Singapore 259366

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Mr Chang CL

Poi Ching School

21 Tampines St. 71 Singapore 529067

Tel: 6785 6420 Fax: 6785 7198


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Banana seems to be good for us :)

Banana seems to be good for us :) Sent from my iPho...