Monday, 23 December 2024

focus on cutting down/out carbs

 … focus on cutting down/out carbs for a simple reason: we simply eat too much of it. The natural reaction by he body to high-carb foods is the production of insulin which then stores energy from the carbs and the fats. Frequent surges of insulin over a prolong time leads to insulin resistance which then starts a vicious cycle of more insulin needed to overcome more insulin resistance. Thereafter, obesity and diabetes are natural consequences. Many still struggle to accept this simple cause of weight gain, high BP, high triglycerides, low HDL, high BG and an unhealthy large waist, possibly because they are waiting for their doctors to tell them so. These are nevertheless clear signs by the body. Once again, food is the "king" driver of health and that should be where to start to make changes. Focusing on proteins and fats remain you best bet to not having daily glucose spikes.

(fr: a trusted friend)
Sent from my iPhone

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Banana seems to be good for us :)

Banana seems to be good for us :) Sent from my iPho...