Wednesday, 5 March 2025

Banana seems to be good for us :)

Banana seems to be good for us :)

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Re: carbs are simply not essential for living, but it is essential for cancel growth?!?!

from my concerned friend …
>  There may be some terms that seem rather _technical_. (attached) However, it should be clear that cancer can be more easily tackled on a low-carb diet ... It really does not matter if you consider veg & fruits to be different from rice (grains)(; which together forms the MOH recommended 3/4 plate) What matters is what these become when digested. Would they help kill cancer or help cancer grow? It also helps to also remember that carbs are simply not essential for living. (as declared by the US National Academy of Medicine, formerly know as the Institute of Medicine) What you choose to eat will always be you choice... just make it an informed one.
> <PHOTO-2025-02-26-18-07-13.jpg>

Monday, 3 March 2025

plant-based diet … as good (bad) as 3/4 plate of carbs ><

Plant-based diets (sounds like what 3/4 plate of carbs might also be seen as) poses more health problems:

6 Good Reasons to Eat a Banana Today - HealthXchange

6 Good Reasons to Eat a Banana Today - HealthXchange

Health benefits of bananas

​​1. ​Bananas are one of the best fruit sources of vitamin B6​

Ever wondered what goodness is in a banana? Other than being rich in vitamin B6, bananas are a good source of vitamin C, dietary fibre and manganese. Bananas are also fat-free, cholesterol-free and virtually sodium-free. So what do these mean for your health?

Ms Peggy Tan, Dietitian, , a member of the group, explains why bananas are good for you and when you should eat them.

Vitamin B6 from bananas is easily absorbed by your body and a medium-sized banana can provide about a quarter of your daily vitamin B6 needs.

Vitamin B6 helps your body:

  • produce red blood cells,
  • metabolise carbohydrates and fats, turning them into energy,
  • metabolise amino acids,
  • remove unwanted chemicals from your liver and kidneys, and
  • maintain a healthy nervous system.

Vitamin B6 is also good for pregnant women as it helps meet their baby's development needs.

2. Bananas are respectable sources of vitamin C

You may not associate bananas with vitamin C but a medium-sized banana will provide about 10% of your daily vitamin C needs.

Vitamin C helps:

  • protect your body against cell and tissue damage,
  • your body absorb iron better,
  • your body produce collagen - the protein which holds your skin, bones and body together, and
  • support brain health by producing serotonin, a hormone that affects our sleep cycle, moods, and experiences of stress a​nd pain.

3. Manganese in bananas is good for your skin

One medium-sized banana provides approximately 13% of your daily manganese needs. Manganese helps your body make collagen and protects your skin and other cells against free radical damage.

4. Potassium in bananas is good for your heart health and blood pressure

A medium-sized banana will provide around 320-400 mg of potassium, which meets about 10% of your daily potassium needs.

Potassium helps your body maintain a healthy heart and blood pressure. In addition, bananas are low in sodium. The low sodium and high potassium combination helps to control high blood pressure.

5. Bananas can aid digestion and help beat gastrointestinal issues

A medium banana will provide about 10-12% of your daily fibre needs. Singapore's Health Promotion Board recommends a daily dietary fibre intake of 20g for women and 26g for men.

Soluble and insoluble fibres play an important role in your health. Soluble fibre helps your body control your blood sugar level and get rid of fatty substances such as cholesterol. Insoluble fibre adds weight and softness to stools, making it easier for you to have regular bowel movements. This helps to keep your gut healthy and safe from harmful bacteria.

Bananas, especially newly-ripened ones, contain starch that does not digest (resistant starch) in your small intestine and is able to pass into the large intestine. Such bananas help you manage your weight better as you stay full for longer.

That said, bananas can help you beat gastrointestinal issues such as:

  • constipation,
  • stomach ulcers, and
  • heartburn

6. Bananas give you energy – minus the fats and cholesterol​

Bananas contain three natural sugars – sucrose, fructose and glucose – giving you a fat and cholesterol-free source of energy. As such, bananas are ideal, especially for children and athletes, for breakfast, as a midday snack or before and after sports.

Read on to find out if bananas suitable for everyone and should you eat them.​

Ref: Q15

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Sunday, 2 March 2025

We eat what we’re supposed to eat, and we will not have cravings

👇from concerned friend…

Having a natural "off" switch to stop eating is not intuitive .... today.  So, it is natural to subscribe to the idea that ancient men (, possibly those before the age of agriculture) lived daily in hunger.  So fearful of that state today, many are are wiling supporters to the idea of eating many small meals or big meal with snacks just so that hunger pangs don't arrive.  
The one reason why hunger can be delayed, offered by the clip, is that the wrong foods are being consumed; many are eating foods not meant to maintain health ... for humans.  
That feeling, shortly after a meal, that I could eating something again, was constantly with me for over 30 years. 
Today, however, having eaten mostly meats and eggs since 2023, when I do a "mental check"  to see if I felt "eating something again", the answer, more often than not, is "no". However, it would be hard to convince anyone of this change. 
Having been a fan of the 3/4 plate carbs recommendations for a very long time, I could not have foreseen that such a change was possible.  I only made the change when I came to realize that it is safe and effective at managing my diabetes... and subsequently many other chronic conditions.  The improvements were ridiculously fast,  at least it was for me. 
Perhaps you need a change too ... and remember,  it is only food which means that you can always return to your usual palate.

We eat what we’re supposed to eat, and we will not have cravings

👇from concerned friend…

Having a natural "off" switch to stop eating is not intuitive .... today.  So, it is natural to subscribe to the idea that ancient men (, possibly those before the age of agriculture) lived daily in hunger.  So fearful of that state today, many are are wiling supporters to the idea of eating many small meals or big meal with snacks just so that hunger pangs don't arrive.  
The one reason why hunger can be delayed, offered by the clip, is that the wrong foods are being consumed; many are eating foods not meant to maintain health ... for humans.  
That feeling, shortly after a meal, that I could eating something again, was constantly with me for over 30 years. 
Today, however, having eaten mostly meats and eggs since 2023, when I do a "mental check"  to see if I felt "eating something again", the answer, more often than not, is "no". However, it would be hard to convince anyone of this change. 
Having been a fan of the 3/4 plate carbs recommendations for a very long time, I could not have foreseen that such a change was possible.  I only made the change when I came to realize that it is safe and effective at managing my diabetes... and subsequently many other chronic conditions.  The improvements were ridiculously fast,  at least it was for me. 
Perhaps you need a change too ... and remember,  it is only food which means that you can always return to your usual palate.

We eat what we’re supposed to eat, and we will not have cravings

👇from concerned friend…

Having a natural "off" switch to stop eating is not intuitive .... today.  So, it is natural to subscribe to the idea that ancient men (, possibly those before the age of agriculture) lived daily in hunger.  So fearful of that state today, many are are wiling supporters to the idea of eating many small meals or big meal with snacks just so that hunger pangs don't arrive.  
The one reason why hunger can be delayed, offered by the clip, is that the wrong foods are being consumed; many are eating foods not meant to maintain health ... for humans.  
That feeling, shortly after a meal, that I could eating something again, was constantly with me for over 30 years. 
Today, however, having eaten mostly meats and eggs since 2023, when I do a "mental check"  to see if I felt "eating something again", the answer, more often than not, is "no". However, it would be hard to convince anyone of this change. 
Having been a fan of the 3/4 plate carbs recommendations for a very long time, I could not have foreseen that such a change was possible.  I only made the change when I came to realize that it is safe and effective at managing my diabetes... and subsequently many other chronic conditions.  The improvements were ridiculously fast,  at least it was for me. 
Perhaps you need a change too ... and remember,  it is only food which means that you can always return to your usual palate.

Your body ages rapidly in two 'bursts,' at 44 and 60. Here's how to prepare.

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Banana seems to be good for us :)

Banana seems to be good for us :) Sent from my iPho...